Paul Beecroft: International Festival of Falconry at the Englefield Estate, England

International Festival of Falconry at the Englefield Estate, England


My friend, Paul Beecroft, a Coroner’s Officer employed by the Thames Valley England Police, has generously invited us to join him on a visit to the Second International Festival of Falconry. The festivities were held at the Englefield Estate on the outskirts of Reading in England. This is the home of Sir Richard Benyon.

On the 11th & 12th July, falconers from all over the world – over 50 nations – joined together to celebrate what is perhaps the oldest of field sport dating back thousands of years. From the Steppes of Russia to New Zealand, China, Europe, UAE and America.

Parade of Nations

Falconers traveled thousands of miles bringing with them their traditions, culture and music.

Front page of the programme.

There were a number of dignitaries there one of which was Prince Andrew.

Prince Andrew with Gyr Falcon.

Many were in traditional dress or dressed from bygone days. The event was colourful and spectacular.

Korean Faloconers.

Henry VIII

Peregrine Falcon

Black Eagle

Russian Falconer

Austrian Falconer

Turkmenistan Falconers

83 year-old Turkmenistan Falconer

American Falconer