How To Cool Down The "HOT" Cop In Your Life

How to cool down

It’s common knowledge that ALL cops are a 10 on the hotness scale—perfect bodies, superb intelligence, extremely charming…well, there’s no end to just how hot cops are. Sometimes, though, to protect the innocent, that heat needs to be reduced to a simmer. So how do they do it? Cold showers? Ice baths? No, silly. They cool off by using the handy-dandy…

CoolCop Body Armor Air Conditioning System. CoolCop easily snaps to the air conditioning vent in any patrol car, and within seconds cool air is directed between the vest and the officer’s smoldering hot skin. That’s right, no more steaming pecs and blistering rock-hard abs.

CoolCop is also available for police canines.

*Top photo is of New Jersey’s finest. Yes, they’re actual police officers. Note: Not typical police officer physique.

Fortunately, CoolCop works for all body shapes and sizes. Available for less than $60.

16 replies
  1. Leah St. James
    Leah St. James says:

    I’m with Pat. Lived in Jersey most of my life and never saw those guys…not once! I’ll be on the lookout, though, my next trip north! Thanks for sharing, Lee!


  2. Pat Marinelli
    Pat Marinelli says:

    What a hoot! Don’t bother to move ladies I’ve lived here all my life and I have never run into one of those cops. Maybe it pays to live on the wrong side of the law. lol

  3. Diana
    Diana says:

    OMG, what a hoot! Needless to say the cops at the top are the recruits for the cop calendar and it all goes downhill from there!
    Thank you for sharing, Lee.


  4. Maryann Mercer
    Maryann Mercer says:

    Great pics….ALL of them. But I think I might have to move to the Garden State myself! Happy Holidays, Lee!

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